Monday 21 January 2013

Sweets for Luisa

The last of my work for this project was looking at how the social groups would connect. The first model was cubic so I made cardboard cubes and piled them up. As I was making the cubes, the star/flower shapes just happened.

From this project I have found a new direction for my own studio practice. I wonder if I would have thought the thoughts I have, if I hadn't been involved in this project. It is interesting to begin to take on and adapt to other peoples creative energy. To know which ideas I wanted/was able to take on, and which were more of a struggle to integrate, though not necessarily less valid for that. 

And this is a link to Amy Congdon who gave us a lecture before Christmas last year.!symbiotica_research/cz0o

I think for this project my imagination is taking us towards a genetic fusion of human/mushroom/plant cells with our "chip". Making our story, our future textile a real possibility maybe. 
And here's another one

The Ted talks are such an amazing digital library of great thinkers speaking about loads of subjects. I came across this one by Jae Rhim Lee talking about her mushroom burial suit, it was one of "Bjorks top 6". Listen and learn.